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All Torah TeachingsParashat Balak – Anti-Semitism – 2009

Parashat Balak – Anti-Semitism – 2009

Balak July 1, 2009

Anti-Semitism is a real phenomenon. What gives it power is the failure of people to identify it. Balak is a powerful leader that seeks to bring Am Yisrael down to it’s knees. Balak knows about Segulat Yisrael yet thinks that if he uses an evil magician to undermine the jewish people, he can over-ride Hashem. This parsha deals specifically with the forces of evil in their fight against righteousness. When it becomes hard to identify what an enemy is really doing, the victim usually gives in to the side of powerlessness. This method of camaflougued anti-Semitism has been used countless times throughout history, including the not so distant past of the 1930’s when the administration leaders, non-jews and jews as well,in the US denied the facts of what Nazi Germany was planning for the Jews of Europe. The world powers of that time, including the “allied countries” too had trouble assessing the situation. People could not fathom that in the boom of industrial revolution and the modernization of the world, an evil so sadistic would eventually succeed. This is how the Germans rose to power. In a war like this, the fine line between reality and illusion is manipulated by the enemy. No-one identified the monster.

The truth to winning such a war is recognizing that there is in fact a war.

Harav Arielle Bar Tzadok wrote in his” war against evil”,”Illusions, fear, and lies severely limit the soldier on the battlefield and could seriously contribute to his defeat, more than his being out-gunned by the other side. There are far too many people, not just soldiers, who do not know how to think properly, to diagnose, to analyze situations within appropriate depth and insight. These people are subjected to one of the many forms of psychic attack. The attack could have either slowly or quickly broken down the rational mind, leaving him/her open to the influence and subject of submission. Independent rational thinking, coupled with one’s own ability to experience spiritual reality personally, makes a person become spiritually and psychically strong. One also must stand on the foundations of faith.”

This is where we begin to identify. Why is it that people closer to Torah values are more aware of what is happening today with modern day “Balaks”? Why are the court jews and all the jews that voted for a President that has the audacity to govern where jews will live ( and according to him- not live)- not blinking? When a person believes in Hashem and the light He wishes to bring into the world through the Jewish people living in their Land, the example of living prophecy coming true, he will certainly see a red light blinking when he hears a world leader calling for the restraint on natural growth in ancient Jewish places like Itamar, Shilo, Chevron and yes, even EAST Jerusalem. It is easy for a person with a real identity, based on faith to see the psychic attack on the horizon. Removing jews from their rightful place, is the most concentrated form of evil you will ever see. It is hard to discern this behind modern day, sweet talking, mesmerizing good talk.

Don’t be fooled.

Hashem is all good. This we know in complete faith. These enemies of ours, they keep coming at us but we have resilience in knowing the secrets of the Torah. Doing good is one thing. It is done through acts of kindness, learning, praying, etc…. But there is something else that is revealed to us in this parsha. It is turning something bad into something good. This is the highest level of worship. Fire and water really can never connect through the normal form of nature. A person in a body, using his senses of seeing, smelling, hearing, touching and tasting and viewing the world through those abilities, swims through life perceiving what he perceives. When in tune with the fine perceptions that being connected with Hashem allots, a constant flame burns on the altar of a person’s soul, the place presumeably hidden, like most of reality. The miracle of being able to see the unseen is the gift given to the believer : Perception.

“How goodly are your tents, Ya’akov and your mishkenot (prayer halls), Yisrael.” The curses intended, when identified, were turned into blessings. So we too, in knowing the foundation of faith is being always able to see the good that comes out of the bad. But first, we have to be able to know that even when it looks bad and we can IDENTIFY it- THEN the tables turn. This can only be done when we have Hashem in us always, and we stand strongly rooted into Him through our souls. All of this appears to be unseen, but you have to be able to look past the “Times, Daily News, BBC, CNN etc…”

Dear Readers,

Every house built in our historical ancient legacy gives empowerment to all of the jewish people and in essence, all of those that hold on to torah values. Our great sages, throughout all the generations lived with faith. Today we have even more. G-d has given us the opportunity to live the prophecy. We have lived to see the bad become good countless times. Those that seek to curse Israel will no doubt sink on the sinking ship of their empires. It is time for jews to make the decision now about where they stand on these extremely pending issues. It really is time to identify the situation and stop sweeping the crumbs under the rug. When we made aliyah 24 years ago, times were good in the US. But the foreshadowing of this day was clearly felt for those of us who psychically had the advantage…

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Shabbat Shalom, Leah Goldsmith

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