Friends of Itamar
Dear friends,
Dedicated to the careful planning, construction and safeguarding of the community of Itamar, located in the very heartland of Israel, Friends of Itamar a registered 501c3 has been impacting facts on the ground and succeeding in many of the challenges we have been facing over the years. Our non -profit organization was established in 2007 which was set up in the wake of brutal murderous attacks which left over twenty of our residents victims of terror, the last being the Fogel massacre in 2011. We focus on not only maintaining security and sustaining a wide range of educational cultural recreational and agricultural projects but we have also been able to push forward in our vision for Tikun Olam in a restored and complete Land of Israel. This has largely been accomplished through your generous donations which have been a life support system to the people that live here and to the projects we maintain. The meaningfulness of the mission that connects us is based on idealism, pioneering spirit, and promotion of this Biblical, historical and strategic asset into a lighthouse for the entire world.

Helping today
Charitable kindness
Your charitable kindness has enabled hundreds of children to receive Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and ADD-ADHD therapy and go on to succeed in school and in life. You have helped us build parks, recreational centers, made us safer us by providing technological security systems and methods to make sure we stay safe from the hands of radical jihad. Your benevolence has built our permanent synagogue, Yeshiva Gevoa, and helped our farmers get through Shemittah to plow on being now the forerunner in organic agriculture in the country. You have helped many families overcome financial hardship. Together we will continue to make Itamar grow and flourish! Thank you for partnering with us.