November 6th 2009
November 6, 2009
1. I big mazal tov to Charlotte Krantz, the mother of Leah Goldsmith who made Aliyah to Israel this week with Nefesh B’ Nefesh. Charlotte is a living example that it is never to late to move to Israel. Interestingly, she moved to Israel right after Parashat Lech Lechah where Abraham at the age of 75 makes Aliyah. (Charlotte recently celebrated her 78th birthday she should live and be well) She will be living on Itamar for a while and then plans to move to Ariel, a near by city, to study Hebrew in an Ulpan. She says that eventually her goal is to return to Itamar the place she loves most in Israel! She has been a dear friend of Itamar almost since it was founded 25 years ago and has been a tremendous blessing to our community. We wish her a lot of success and tremendous happiness and good health in her new life in Israel!
2. An important meeting was held this week on Itamar discussing ways to continue our Synagogue project. Itamar 25 years old still does not have a permanent synagogue. Thank G-d, we began building the Synagogue a few years ago but because of lack of funding the building has been put on hold. At this point we laid the foundation and poured the floor. With the tremendous growth of our Itamar community we are praying every Shabbat in an overcrowded shul and are in desperate need to get this project completed. Anyone reading this is more than welcome to lend us a helping hand with ideas or financial assistance.
3. Please read Leah’s new Torah thought for the week. Shabbat Shalom!
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