Leah’s Blog Parashat Vaerah 2025
Not in a trunk hidden away in the attic, our old manuscripts, letters of covenants are read and re-read here in the synagogue. Rolled out in fresh parchment that the scribe has meticulously transcribed, the Torah scrolls. Not withheld- our story is raised up, adorned in gilded garments and paraded through the crowd. The Torah was given at Sinai to a congregation- an entire nation witnessed it. This fresh new day has the cantor chanting in the sing song of his deep voice. We remember this story. Something has opened in us.
The map of destination always leads us to the same place: the center of the earth, better known as the pupil of G-d’s eye. It is from here that Hashem oversees judgement to all nations, from one end to the other. And for us here in the Land of Israel, we “seem” to go on living an ordinary life, yet we know now after all of this time, it is extraordinary. All eyes on Israel. How will the nations treat Hashem’s home? Like the wheat shaft of Yosef- it stands tall and beautiful. All blessings flow from here.
Particular to the Jewish people, our destiny entwines us to this place, our inheritance promised to Abraham, never forgotten by Yosef, guided almost to its border by Moshe, conquered by Joshua, the Land of Israel is not acquired easily, our heritage comes hard now. We read and re read the stories of commitment and suffering by our forefathers. We are not trust fund babies; we sweat and bleed for this inheritance. As prophecy widens now, our stuttering becomes sturdy speech, a national statement. Our melody has changed into strong sing song voices. We are a congregation of open mouths.
We must now break the shackles that forced our inheritance to be squandered. Yet, it is not lost for we sit on the stints into this heart. Every man woman and child that came to homestead and hold it- preserve it and those that supported- thank you! Now we will restore our fallen places, burn out our enemies, purify what was made unclean. We, like gold have been through the fire. Widen the place of our tents! Speak!
Friends of Itamar wishes the new administration the best and congratulates President Trump- we look forward to hosting him here on the middle peg of the Land of Israel. Mazal tov!
Blessings for a Shabbat shalom to all of our wonderful Friends of Itamar
Xoxoxoxoxo Shabbat shalom, Leah
Adel Badel
Wishing you all the best and Good Shabbos!
Diana Brown
Shabbat Shalom!
Shabat Shalom and Shavua Tov, dear Leah and all those who are near to your heart! Toda Raba for your wisdom.
Awesome as always. You write with the Ruach guiding you with each thought that comes to you. Love you so! Miriam