Leah’s Blog – Parashat Nitzavim – Vayelech
Leah’s Blog Nitzavim – September 2024
I don’t know what the source to having sponge cake and whiskey after prayer service is, but that’s what we did in our shul in Brooklyn, a sweet memory. Displayed on the table outside the prayer room were all sorts of delicacies like herring, white fish salad, crackers of course and sometimes candy (I remember the orange white and yellow triangle candy corns). On holidays like sukkot, we huddled under the schahch in often dripping rain eating hot potato kugel, the scent of etrog and fresh lulav filling in the space there with us. These memories are tender, festive and beloved.
Now I walk through a field of pomegranates; everything feels surreal.
As Jews, our cultural and social relationship with food and eating takes us way back to ancient times. The Gemara (Rosh Hashana) teaches out about the symbols we eat on the evening of the New Year. This is not mere folklore but a custom that has been done for most Jews wherever they may be in the world. Bringing the essence of Eretz Yisrael to the table, the bountiful sweet Land flowing with milk and honey closer to you. This year especially the “simanim” take on urgent meaning. We chime together at the table raising the beets ((סלק-“our enemies should be driven from here!”- Most of what we hold high in our dishes are actually about our adversaries, hostile forces that want to do us harm. We don’t need to imagine barbaric terrorists- we have seen them. We ask that judgement be upon them. Eating these symbolic foods never felt more right as RIGHT NOW. Even eating the honey date has us saying יתמו שונאינו-May the vicious be eradicated!
It’s like all of these traditions were made for this New Year! Feeling danger imminent, we remember what is vital, our togetherness, our thankfulness. Psalm 23:5 “You have prepared a table before me in the presence of the enemy.”
Eating is in the realm of lovingkindness, a pleasurable, blessed event in which we take great enjoyment in. Coming from one side of this gratitude to the “other side” of Din and wishing it disappear in these blessings that we recite is the perfect way to begin the New Year. We are grateful for all the goodness, all of this deliciousness yet we are aware that evil exists and we want it as we say over the leeks ((שיכרתו אויבינו severed from our reality. The world was created on Rosh Hashana- the world now has a chance to rectify.
There is a horn blowing.
There is a siren blowing.
There is a shofar blowing.
The year is ending- we are entering a new time, a time of tikkun.
FRIENDS OF ITAMAR! We are helping our welfare committee FEED families on chag. Please consider our 501c3 – Friends of Itamar your designated charity this year as many fathers are away with the IDF and other challenges this war has presented. May bountiful blessings be upon you- shana tova umetukah- yours always, LEAH
And a huge thank you to those who have contributed to this appeal!
שנה טובה ומתוקה! שבת שלום
Norman Hauptman
P R A Y E R Thank you G-d for loving & guiding Israel’s enemies to be peaceful & helpful to her.