Leah’s Blog – Parashat Matot- Masey
Matot- Masey- The War against the enemy
The quiver of a hamsin wind blows through the olive trees on either side of the road heading east and home. The sun makes the dust all around drier and has us thirstier. Before getting to the end of this road before we turn left at Tapuach junction, I turn around to take out the bag of ice cold cans of coca cola. We hand out the window of our dusty car to soldiers at the IDF posts all along the way. Everyone is thirsty. A keen look meets mine as the red dripping with cold cans are placed into their dripping with sweat hands. This is not JUST a story of keeping peace and security but an existential war, one of teeth of fire. Just hours from here, we continue in Gaza to crush terror bases, destroy tunnels and buildings, rocket launchers and remove the orc terrorists. The threats from the north and the murder of children and adult civilians has us understanding that we are dealing with barbarians, the axis of evil, sponsored by the present leadership in Iran. Make no mistake- the atrocities of October 7 and those that preceded it have proven that the ring of hate and war that threatens to choke us here must be met with swords of iron.
We want a total victory.
Progressive Liberal teachings have distorted the way we view the Middle East and the imminent danger we are in right now. Too many a Captain and General were swayed into the lull that quiet buys quiet- while they dug into hell preparing doom. What religion has them prostrated in ecstasy as they viewed the charred bodies of our babies, the beheaded partygoers of the music festival, the bodies of parents riddled with bullets as their children looked on. What demonic creature calls his mama to say- “I killed ten Jews this morning!” You cannot fathom it.
These are creatures of evil- judgement bares down on us.
The Hague cannot teach us ethics! The U.N. cannot speak of morality!
Pour pure waters upon us!
These portions of the week come directly to meet these events and make the history of the war with Midyan as we were about to enter Eretz Yisrael come alive. Our righteous soldiers declare: “Ayatollahs BEWARE!” The lion roars now- executing initiatives and force -the only language spoken in the Middle East. Do not trust the Hudnah ever- it is a ploy.
Matot never felt more like No more Mr. Nice Guy. We are not in exile with a stick over our shoulder being told what to do, where we can go where we can’t go and bent back covering our face with our arms, the scared little Jew. We are KAM VENITZAHV- Standing TALL- and saying “I don’t think so…”M16 and F35s. Moreover- the dignity of Hashem restored! “Kel Nekamote Hashem!” For he is vengeful G-d, and if not for our own merits- then for HIS NAMESAKE!
KNEEL DOWN NOW enemies of Israel.
Our soldiers go out to fight the crucial and final battle of good over evil.
Turn them into dust!
Shabbat Shalom! Leah
tammy s
amein ve' am Yisrael chai!
Wow wow wow. I just cleaned my bomb shelter. Scrubbed it and readied for the days ahead but after reading this I feel safe. I bought a few things in the mini market and everyone is so calm and casual. We got this.