Friends of Itamar

Leah's BlogLeah’s Blog May 10th 2019

Leah’s Blog May 10th 2019

Yom Haatzmaut 2019 It’s a crazy thing but I keep a joke book in my bathroom. It’s been my friend and confidante’ for many years now. I even have new subscribers to it without going into detail, a new addition to our family through marriage that likes time out in there occasionally for a few laughs. The thing is I was tempted to open it on Memorial Day, a day too solemn for me as everywhere I look I stare into the eyes of a widow or orphan here. The book anchors me. Without humor I would be gone. So, I open the book to the “Daily Exercise for the Non- Athletic” and I start to sweat. It took me to another place at an earlier time when on one of our speaking tours an activist friend of mine that lives in Brooklyn asked the organizers of “The REDEMPTION Conference” if I could get a slot to be able to speak about the revival of our homeland. The answer didn’t take long to come. No. Period. They laid down the law and voted it would open a can of worms. Worried if I mention the connection of our generation to the life changing experience of Israel as a homeland and identity of its own 71 years after declaring Independence. “Hatikva” obviously is not sung at this convention nor is there Israeli dancing, as the focus is prayer for Mashiach and character development. At a time of the world when no one remains apathetic to Israel, it is not mentioned once at these Brooklyn conferences. Redemption for the greater religious establishment is a spiritual concept and for the faithful, it is the daily spiritual exercise not the physical. Walla, hitting the nail on the head it would be like climbing the Wall to indent any form of idea of bonding the dwelling place above with the one below for them. Utterly sad, my observation of this wide and ill phenomenon has the masses far, far away from the Love of Zion. In a black and white movie- these actors would rather run around in circles with their torahs not reading its words. For them – there are giants in the Land and we only carry out our dead. They choose deliberately to remain in the desert, their leaders throwing their weight around, dragging their heels. I don’t know how much longer they can push their luck though…. I left Brooklyn then with a broken heart not for me but for all of those who have a chance to be free and live the colored dream of real truth in the sprouting of the monumental event of prophecy returning to our Land as our people toil for it. This is no joke. Our return to our beloved Land has no parallel in the history of the world. Forming our own State, we have passed every test we face and have accomplished victory and triumphs in many realms. The successfulness of it brings pride to our people. Jews from all around the world are coming home too. It’s getting crowded here. (and that’s before the return of the ten lost tribes!) Despite what the media projects about our inner political differences, there is a strong solidarity in Israel! Yeshivas are exploding! Technological advances are sold at staggering amounts adding to our economy. Gas is being discovered off our shores. Our army is keeping us safe from Jihadists sitting on every fence yet takes in Syrian refugees for medical treatment- I know because our own boys have been the soldiers that have brought them in! It always brings a smile to my face when I see Ethiopians talking to their children in Hebrew as well as French accents in Hebrew and every color shape and size – all of us speaking our ancient tongue! Our traditions and family values and spirit of patriotism is alive and kicking. We work hard here but our nationalism gives us strength. We are the wheat stalk standing tall as cranes build super tall luxury buildings in almost every town here. This is no less than a miracle. Israel is the first in the world to step forward if there is a crisis somewhere, offering her services and expecting nothing in return. This past week’s lesson has us in awe and wonder as we look back on our young but ancient country’s rich history and her miraculous revival of the bones Ezekiel witnessed come to life. The incredible “chesed” that Hashem did for us not a few years only after the nations of the world said their hope is lost their promise denied in the Holocaust- the Romans said the same thing as they carried us off in chains thousands of years ago. There is still much to do here. Especially here. If you feel part of this mission please know your active role in this is appreciated to no bounds! Our answer to Memorial Day didn’t by chance come with Independence Day. It’s a sacrifice on all levels – it is not in theory but a living lesson of true faith and obedience! There is still much ground to plow and many ideas that need to sprout forth on the practical side of things here. Happy Independence Day weekend, Shabbat Shalom! Leah Goldsmith

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