Leah’s Blog July 8th 2016
The last events here in Israel have left me really with no words. The yin and yang of vitality and redemption coming alive in every tree planted, every skyscraper going up, every mall exploding with summer break Israelis and the never ending stream of tourists you always see walking up to Mount Zion; yet the murders of a beautiful angel of a girl and a father of ten- senseless murders of hate that cripple you, frustrate you, bring you to a place where you wonder how the sun can shine. I am standing in the bleacher seat of creation, facing the mountains of the Blessing and the Curse, wondering at how the world revolves on this even axis of mercy and judgment. This is the doorpost into the Land of Israel, a place you can’t help but feel Hashem. When someone has reached the level of feeling G-d, knowing Him and how He relates to you, either in mercy (Chesed) – when you receive the gifts of bounty and health and happiness (the Good Side) or when you are given a test, G-d forbid and you have to overcome the hurdle of judgment -Din (also known as the Other Side). I pray to have balance but also that the scale should be tipped towards goodness always.
When we pray to Hashem, it is usually done through supplication, an expression of mercy. We also do mitzvoth, good deeds, in happiness always because chesed “makes the world go around” and we are actually copying Hashem, who showers down all goodness upon His creations. Din is what gives the unending bounty pouring down its shape. It is like a vessel that contracts and actually puts up walls to contain the good in this world. Peace is a time of chesed. War is a time of Din.
Our holy Rabbis told us long ago that the mighty warrior who will fight the final war prays in the aspect of Din and actually descends into the throat of the Sitra Achra (The Other Side). He does this in order to redeem lost souls and ultimately destroy the entire realm of evil. This type of prayer causes the Other Side to vomit up all of the damaged souls and prayers it has swallowed, until at last, evil vomits up its very life force. This comes up in the form of converts and righteous gentiles who join the Jewish people in their day of war and redemption, when times are not easy – not for the Jewish people or the world. The way to perceive this tikkun is also through rectifying social media, in all its forms and having truth come out inside of twisted lies. G-d’s radiance and glory at this time will then become revealed, shining so great a light even in the darkest of dark unholy places. The final phase of this process is when total truth is revealed by the Mashiach and the entire world comes to peace.
It is interesting -when I travel, many people ask me to bless them with the Aahronic blessing-(Numbers 6:22-27) ” and G-d spoke to Moshe- “Tell Aaron and his sons – this is how you are to bless the People of Israel- say to them- “G-d bless you and keep you. G-d smile on you and gift you – G-d will look you full in the face and make you prosper”. In so doing, they will place my name upon the people of Israel- I will confirm it by blessing them!” – Little do these people know, as most of the world doesn’t realize (because nobody told them) that the tombs of the sons of Aaron, Itamar and Elazar are just a stones throw from where I stand here on Itamar. They are the darkest of dark holy places because they are meant to be a pilgrimage to, the place to receive this blessing (!), yet they are surrounded by a twisted form of worship- Allah UAkbar cries the mosque built over the mausoleums. The tombs are spray painted with swastikas and the earth (you can stand on it twice a year when the IDF escorts you in to protect you), smells putrid. When you go there- it is only at the darkest time of the night, you are like a fugitive. Maybe this symbolizes just how in the dark most people are as the sun shines.
The Jewish religion is not just one of Judaica and Temple treasures, Kiddush cups and tallits, bar mitzvahs and reading the parsha like a fairy tale. It is not just an intellectual discussion. It is not just challah and wine and a pretty dress you wear on Shabbat. It is not just a social function. Today our Magen David means countering all evil in this world and not being afraid to. It means sometimes going to a putrid place to purify it. It starts with your voice. You need to find the words.
Shabbat Shalom- Leah
James and Gayle O'Hare
You are an Amazing voice that uses words to paint a picture that all may understand or stirred to know more and desire to change according to HaShems plan and purpose ...love you and look forward to seeing you all again..very soon. Avigayle...
Shavua Tov! These are strongly worded ideas voiced with symbols of exhortation to wake up from our slumber or paralysis or just unexplainable procrastination. Pain and frustration from a complacent People that ought to react from lack of action and from getting used to see our own blood gush weekly, on the passive ears of our Jewish leadership. How much longer can we remain just spectators? What needs to happen to wake us up, to believe in the only Truth that can Save us from our own destructive passivity and indifference?
Missy Martin
Beautifully said.