Friends of Itamar

Current EventsLeah’s Blog Jan 29 2020

Leah’s Blog Jan 29 2020


Leah’s Blog Jan 29 2020- As I went up to the top of mountain overlooking the three seas view I couldn’t help but feeling on top of the mountain . We were like dreamers. My little grandboys jumped from rock to rock laughing, knowing who they were- an integral part of the vista. Jews have lived here from time immemorial, the little hilltops surrounding infused with deep rich history, with DNA stamped at the beginning of time. We behold restoration before our eyes. It was only a few tens of years ago that Moshe and I came out here to view it before the paved roads and little neighborhoods. Before the grapevines and thousands of free range chickens clucking happily in the open air. Sometimes in our every day lives we miss the nuance of the call of the hour, of reality on the ground that is greater than life. Our grandsons scale the ancient bedrock now that witnessed the everlasting covenant not even knowing in their innocence how many mistakes were known to sell us out and the consequences of that in bloodshed of innocents that gave their lives for this precious heartland on Itamar. For those of you who have stood with Friends of Itamar all through these years and believed in truth – You too are a part of this incredible chapter of history. We have merited in your love and friendship. Many walls are crumbling down. We ask you at this time to continue to be a part of Friends of Itamar as the new fiscal year takes off and many green lights shine in the horizon. There is still much to do to prepare here on the ground as we build our schools prepare more fields and provide a safe and secure place of wellness for the heroes that made it happen and ensure a wonderful and thriving heart of Israel for the next generation. How goodly are your tents! Thank you POTUS and all of the people that care about the right to live and worship in the heart of our beloved Land! With love and blessings, Leah

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