Leah’s Blog
Nitzavim September 11, 2020
As Israel is about to enter a new lockdown I was just thinking how liberating in certain ways it is to chill out, and pre-pare for the holiday as more time home enables it. I’m discovering coriander using it on meat, in salads and wondering if the memory of its taste will ring a bell for my grandchildren when they grow up. Not feeling pressured for time, I’m actually reading the recipes and digesting them. Not matzoh and bitter herbs this time, but challah and honey, good things come out of challenging times. I cook to remember. I stir the soup now adding lots of fresh dill.
All these festive preparations combined with fresh news of new friends in Abu Dhabi got me remembering Yosef Hatzaddik, a great feeder who actually was released from prison on Rosh Hashanna. Who recognized him first? Pharoah and all of Egypt. Can you grasp that? His brothers were the last to “know” him. Yosef Hatzaddik represents so many concepts of Rosh Hashanna. First, forgiveness. Did Yosef bare a grudge? No. Second, preparing for the time to come. In his earliest vision he dreamt of the wheat, only much later did he interpret Pharoh’s dream of the wheat. He acted upon his revelation and became the provider for Egypt and his family inevitably. Third- innovation- In many cases -making something out of nothing. His incredible talent for restructuring and organizing represents his own transformation.
The world was actually created prior to Rosh Hashana – man and woman being created on this special day. An insight into the paradigm of actually being in these solemn days of awe has us actually inspired to recreate ourselves and move out of that penned up feeling of our own personal place time and Divine appointment. It’s the time now to add a spice and flavoring to the way we live our lives. This is the time for thankfulness for all that we have- the world was created first so that man could have everything! What do we do with what we have? Are we even aware of what we have, who we have. When is now to know.
Hashem has led us through a land unsown to the golden wheat pomegranate olive fig and date, to a land flowing with milk honey. He placed us in this world to work with Him and enables the miracle of life. Yosef Hatzaddik reveals himself at the table as all the family is sitting around fressing and chewing the food their brother provided for them. They practically choked on it as he said, “ANI YOSEF!” Sometimes it’s right there in front of you! Hello??????? This is the time we need to look at things, digest them- not just see them- but liberate ourselves in our vision. This is the time to recognize the people in our lives, a time to forgive those who have hurt us and to ask for their forgiveness. We were not created as angels but as people who constantly need fixing. This is what Rosh Hashanna is all about. This is the time we taste the newness and the blessings, Baruch Hashem. Dear readers I just want you to know how much you are loved and cherished by us out here. Thank YOU for recognizing us. Shana TOVA U’METUKAH!!!!! Xoxoxoxoxo Leah
Eric John Nagel
Oh that I could be in lockdown in Itamar! I am convinced that my roots are there! If only in this lifetime I could move and return home. I'm 69 years young and am praying for a miracle! Shalom shalom,. Eric