Itamar News – January 7, 2011
1. Itamar welcomed the visit of our dear friend Henk Poot from Holland. Henk came with three other friends that wanted to get a first hand report of what is happening on Itamar.
They visited our high school and had lunch it the school dining room. Henk has been very helpful to the Itamar high school Chitzim in assisting its special program that provides assistance to students with learning disabilities.
2. Special thanks to our dear friends from Washington State who helped us set up a new children’s playground for the Itamar children. The old playground was badly worn down and had to be redone. (For the children’s safety we must build a fence around the park so anyone interested in helping with the fence will be greatly appreciated.)
3. Mazal Tov to the Cabrah family on the birth of another grandchild this week!
4. Read Leah’s new Torah thought for the week on the meaning behind Matzah.
5. Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new Torah lesson for the week on the topic of free will and repentance.
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