Itamar Updates March 23 2012
- Mazal Tov to Yitro and Miriam Asheri on the marriage of their son Shmuel this week. Yitro and Miriam lost their son Eliyahu a few years ago when he was kidnapped by terrorists at later murdered. We want to wish the family only happy events for the rest of their lives. Shmuel married a girl from Elon More a neighboring town to Itamar. The wedding took place in the nearby city of Ariel making it very easy for us all to get to the beautiful affair.
- Itamar welcome the visit of Rabbi Michael Cytrin, Rabbi Mordechai Kaplan, and Rav Daniel Hartstein who came with their Yeshiva Lev Hatorah to plant tour Itamar and plant trees this week.
- Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new Torah lesson for the week.
Special letter by Rabbi Goldsmith to all Itamar friends and supporters:
First of all, I want to thank you for standing behind our town, Itamar. Thank G-D Itamar is growing and developing all the time in your merit. Unfortunately, we are constantly under threat of terrorism which makes our mission harder to accomplish. Just a few days ago another miracle took place when a terrorist tried to enter our community at night and was spotted by our security camera. The quick response of our security response team prevented another tragedy from striking our community. The terrorist escaped to the village nearby, Awarta- the same village the murderers of the Fogel family. This is just one of many attempts that have been thwarted. Of course, it goes without saying that our devotion and strong spirit will not be broken. In addition, I want you to know that it means a great deal to us when our brothers and sisters from abroad reach out a helping hand and partner with us in building our community. Many are asking themselves, what can I do to help? I am listing a few suggestions below that will not be a burden on you at all but on the other hand can make a huge difference for us.
- It is very important for Itamar that we expand our network of support and our dear friends keep up the connection with our community. First of all, we have a new website we are creating for friends of Itamar called please go to the site and sign up to our newsletter. This will keep you constantly updated with Itamar. We want to improve our site and make it as attractive as we can so please feel free to send you advice. If you are a graphics person and have ideas don’t hesitate to suggest changes and improvements.
- Become a fan of our Itamar Israel support group on Facebook : by pressing like.
- Spread the word to your friends and family. Don’t just tell them – make sure that they sign up.
- We are well aware that financially it isn’t easy and there are many other important causes. Nevertheless, please find a way of putting Itamar on your tithe list. Don’t make light of it – Any help will make a big difference. You can donate on line via PayPal by going to our websites at or at our old website at or mail checks directly to Friends of Itamar 1483 East 34th street Brooklyn NY 11234
- Those who want to become more involved by taking upon themselves a personal project from beginning to end don’t feel shy about calling us.
- We want to put on our website letters from friends. Please write a letter of support for our town and we will publish it on our website.
- When you come to Israel please come and visit Itamar make it a priority!
- Leah and I try to go on speaking tours a few times a year abroad so if you think you can help set up a speaking tour in your area contact us.
- Read this email once a week and post it on your bulletin board it will help you remember how much we need you.
- If you have any other ideas that you think can help us please send them our way.
I want to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and healthy spring and a joyous Pesach holiday!
Thank you!!
Moshe Goldsmith Itamar Israel
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