Itamar News Updates September 7th 2012
- Itamar was blessed with a lot of happy events this week!!!
- Mazal tov to the Nissim and Elizah Eidan on the marriage of their son Elazar to Racheli this week.
- Mazal to to Peretz and Simah Eidan on the bat mitzvah of their daughter Mivaseret.
- Mazal Tov to Roee and Avital Mendelovitch on the birth of a daughter.
- Mazal tov to Nachman and Shoham DIgani on the birth of a son.
- Mazal tov to Batsheva and Chanan Alexander( Shalev) on the birth of triplets!!!! Two boys and a girl.
- Itamar welcomed Merrily Ratner and Alan Nussbaum who came to tour our community. They gave our treats to our soldiers and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the town.
- Itamar welcomes Aaron Huhem who has moved to the community from Texas to study in our Yeshivah. He has been here for a few months already and wants to build his home on Itamar. Enjoy the picture with friends Shelby and Chaim Tzvi.
- Itamar welcomed Rabbi Manechem Borenstien, founder of Machon Puah, who gave a lecture on – where the vessels of the holy temple were hidden. He gave an amazing historical account of the .many different attempts to discover the lost vessels of the temple. His conclusion is that although there are probably vessels in the Vatican most are buried on the temple mount.
- Itamar welcomed a large group of volunteers from America that have come on a special program to help out the farmers of Shomron in the grape harvest. They are staying in the nearby community of Bracha and work in the vineyards there; they have also helped out other communities as well like Ofrah, Kochav Hashachar and Shiloh. Their group leader, Tom Waller, has been bringing groups to Israel for many years. This year he has now grown to more than a hundred volunteers. They came to Itamar to tour the town and have a discussion with Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith about what the land means to the Jewish pioneers.
- The Itamar synagogueproject is continuing to progress – any help towards the building would be greatly appreciated!
- The Itamar children have returned to school and kindergarten – enjoy our precious children.
Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new torah lesson for the week.
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