Friends of Itamar

Current EventsItamar News Updates Sep 28 2018 – Succoth

Itamar News Updates Sep 28 2018 – Succoth

We want to wish all our wonderful friends of Itamar a happy Succoth!!!

So far, the holiday has been so special here on Itamar and in Samaria with tons of holiday activities and visitors that came from far and near to experience the community and area.

Tours were led to areas that are usually not open to the public like the pit where Joseph was cast into in Dothan, the alter on Mt. Aval, and the Tomb of Joseph.  width=  width=  width= width=






















I miracle happened this week when a terrorist tried to enter the community and thank G-d with the help of our advanced camera system we were able to spot the terrorist in time and the army and Itamar’s response rushed to the scene and the terrorist ran away.

We welcomed the visit of our dear friends Cherrie and Jason LaCross from Texas who recently visited with us. width=







We welcomed the visit of our dear friend Alan Nussbaum Katamon Jerusalem and brought some friends from NYC. width= width=














We had a rare celebration of a Pidyon Peter Chamor (a first-born donkey redemption ceremony) as mentioned in the Bible Exodus 13:13 “And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break its neck; and all the first-born of man among thy sons shalt thou redeem.” The law is that a lamb is given to priest after the owner of the donkey lifts of the lamb and blesses it, and the donkey is now redeemed and free. You can see in the picture the priest is holding up the lamb. It is a very special mitzvah symbolizing that there is holiness in material things. The name for donkey in Hebrew comes from the word meaning material. The material world must serve the spiritual word this becomes revealed through this commandment. That is what it means when Messiah will ride on a donkey. width=

Read Leah’s blog



Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s latest lesson on the holiday the meaning behind waving the Lulav and Etrog.


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