Itamar News Updates October 7th 2016
Friends of Itamar welcome back Rabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith who were in New York for the most of September trying to galvanize support
for the many projects going on in Itamar, as the community continues to build and safeguard the very heart of the Land of Israel. There were many many people who are owed a huge thank you for their kindness and help on the trip. May Hashem bless them for that chesed; it really could not have succeeded without their enthusiasm and push! Toda Raba Raba!
Friends of Itamar would like to give a very special thank you to Jessica Katz and Karen Thaler of Yad Leah who sent beautiful clothing right before Rosh Hashana to us – it has made so many little girls especially happy as well as their parents and siblings. May Hashem bless them a thousand fold over for all of their efforts. If anyone would like to help also with this important mission- please go to Yad Leah on facebook and follow their mission statement.
We welcomed our wonderful friends from Hawaii, Andree Lecoque and Cool-Aye and Yosef Kukulu Kumuhana Johnson just as soon as the holiday ended and our sweet new year began. Most of the time we spent getting to know Itamar- at the very heart of the heart of Israel. We went to the Penini and Zimmerman farms, Givot Olam, explored ancient wine cellars, cisterns, climbed to top of Mount Kabir looking unto the territory of the Bnot Tzlofchad, climbed to the three seas point and saw the length and breadth of the land. We learned about the Blessings and the Curses on Mount Gerizim and the many segments of society living on it- arabs, Samaritans, settlers and HaYovel all living on this mountain. Not so far from there right across the mountain we were able to see the altar built by Joshua Bin Nun. We looked down into the Tomb of Yosef from different vantage points and learned the strategic must in holding on to the high points smack in the middle of the country. Our guests were able to dip into the springs coming out of the bottom of Mount Gerizzim and enjoy the pools and nature reserve. We also enjoyed their company and their amazing appreciation for what the Jewish people living out here are doing- turning the dry rocky soil into paradise and keeping it for an everlasting covenant with Hashem. Toda Raba raba!
The holidays are upon us and it is awesome to celebrate them right here on Itamar! WE urge you to contact us if you are in Israel – and we will take you on a tour you won’t forget. Itamar has a vast area of rolling hills and agriculture you too can take part in- even for the day! Come and see how wine is made, how olives are made into oil (you can pick!), what it is to witness a birth of new baby sheep and of course taste the delicious goat yogurts and organic products. There are several artists here too- come and see their wares- beautiful ceramics for your Yom Tov table as well as other beautiful things made right here!
Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new Torah lesson of the Parashah.
Shabbat Shalom- Chag Sameyach GMAR CHATIMA TOVA!
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