Itamar News Updates Oct 23 2015
Itamar blesses the recent decision of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to authorize our city plan. Our community was founded back on Independence Day of 1984. The lesson from this is that important things take time and patience but never give up. This announcement comes out on the portion of Lech Lecha where Abraham and Sarah first entered the land of Israel. The location of Itamar on this very spot testifies to the Divine Providence of this happening. Let the blessing of Abraham be upon all of our wonderful friends that have been standing with Itamar like watchman on the wall. We will continue to build and flourish in the Promised Land – despite those that are trying to uproot us!
The olive season is in full swing here in the mountains of Shomron. Enjoy the pictures.
Barak Melet has been running an olive press and flour mill on Itamar for many years. Please come and enjoy the delicious olive oil produced on Itamar – the taste of Gan Eden!
Friends of Itamar have been working hard to help our farmers get back on their feet after the snow disaster that destroyed their hothouses. Thanks to our dear friends we have been able to help in this important endeavor. The farmers are still in desperate need of help. We mustn’t forget that this past year was the sabbatical year …. Enjoy the short film on one of our farming families. Keep in mind that he is also a Gush Katif evacuee. It goes without saying that supporting this precious cause helps us root ourselves even deeper into the land. There is nothing more precious than working the holy soil of the land of Israel.
Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new Torah lesson for the week. Read his essay.
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