Itamar News Updates Nov 18th 2016
Itamar continues to enjoy a wave of visitors! This week we welcomed our dear friends Rico, Yolanda, and Tito Cortez from the USA who brought a very special group to tour our community and enjoy a delicious meal cooked outdoors in caldrons at the farm of David Itzick who also happens to run a therapeutic petting zoo. Rico and Yolanda have been standing with Israel and our community for many years – we greatly appreciate their support.
We also had the privilege of hosting RC and Esther Cardenales. RC and Esther spent a few days here enjoying the beautiful surroundings and relaxing atmosphere. They came just in time for olive picking season and were able to see just how oil is pressed from the fruit they actually picked here. It was a lot of fun.
We also were so happy to enjoy a visit with Hanna Cohen and her brother Seymore Moss. Hanna a resident of Long Island NY has been a great friend trying so hard to rally support for our community in inviting towns around Northport to come and hear about the heart of Israel when we come to NY to speak.
Olive picking season is in full swing. People are coming from near and far with their olives to Barak Melet who owns and olive press here on Itamar to turn their olive into precious olive oil. Barak also has a large wheat grinder and he makes and sells special organic flour like oatmeal ,spelt, whole wheat and rye. He is one of the first farmers in Israel to grow spelt right here on Itamar.
Enjoy the picture of the full moon taken this week on Itamar – this “supermoon” hasn’t been seen in this clarity and size since 1948 – the next time this will happen will be only in 2034. The reason for this rear phenomenon is that it reached its full phase at the closest orbit point to the earth! This may mean that we should expect great miracles to take place as they did in 1948 with the establishment of the State of Israel.
Thank G-D the building and growth of Itamar continues! Enjoy the pictures of new homes going up and the building of our high school campus! Chitzim High school has hundreds of boys dorming here on our community all week long. We specialize here at the school in giving ADD ADHD and Post Traumatic Stress disordered kids a chance to do full Bagrut and go on to excel and have confidence despite these challenges. Our atmosphere of close to nature, close to livestock and hiking the Land have put our school at the top preference for many parents in Israel when choosing a school. The Israeli education Ministry has backed the mission and is funding a great part of the project of the new campus however will not cover all the costs of this very big project. Anyone interested in helping out with large and small initiatives like building the kitchen, recreation room, computer room, etc. is welcomed to do so – it would be a great mitzva and we will dedicate the project in your name or the name of a loved one.
Mazal Tov to Yoel and Chava Avni on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Ofek Meir!
Please see Rabbi Goldsmith’s Torah on Veyera.
Have a beautiful Shabbat!
RC Cardenales
That is a great picture of Leah, right Moshe Goldsmith