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Current EventsItamar News Updates Nov 14 2014

Itamar News Updates Nov 14 2014

In the backdrop of an IMG_1601especially volatile time here in Israel, people that are dedicated and steadfast in their conviction for Eretz Yisrael continue to come and show their solidarity. We have had an influx of visitors:

Alan Hirsch is a one of a kind baal chesed (man of loving kindness). During the heat of the intifada when families’ livelihoods were directly affected by the security situation in Judea and Samaria, Alan set up The Bnei Israel fund providing Pesach food for hundreds of families all over Israel, especially in far out neighborhoods. He comes to do “field work” every year learning about the socio-economic situation, asking about and coming to see what and where needs for the coming Pesach may be. It has been an amazing zechut working with Alan here on Itamar, the place where tens of yishuvim come to receive their care packages. We want to bless him and his IMG_0061wife Barbara and their entire family with much bracha vehatzlacha for their chesed mission!

Yad Leah is also an amazing organization run and directed by Jessica Katz in New Jersey and Karen Thaler here in Israel. For over a decade they have been collecting clothing in very good condition and distributing it to tens of communities all over Israel. If you live in the tri-state area and have new or good used clothing and are looking to join into this mitzvah that is clothing literally hundreds and IMG_1411thousands of Israelis- please feel free to call Yad Leah. Itamar would like to express their gratitude for yet another cargo of clothing especially essential at this time as we enter the winter season.

We were very happy to receive a nice group from Australia- they were inspired and came out of the tour knowing a lot more about the strategic, historic and torah significance of this vital area!




Thank you to our friend, Marja and all our special friends who are always standing behind us and shining a light in a dark and biased Europe! May Hashem bless you for all you do for Israel!









Mike Clayton of Oklahoma has been leading groups to Israel and his unique tour takes you to the heart of biblical Israel- not the standard touristy stops but to meet Israelis, see the progress on the ground and learn from the perspective of place- person- then and now. He offers a tour that is unforgettable- we have been privileged to know him for many years and are always so happy when he comes back to Itamar!










This past Thursday was the yartzeit of IMG_0454Matan zagron, z”l- HY”D who gave his life twelve years ago when preventing a terrorist from blowing up at a crowded bus stop in Ariel. His memorial is also commemorated by a very special Mitzpeh (lookout point) that was made on one of Itamar’s hilltops offering a view of the Jordan Valley and green clean organic vista. This has been set up as an ecological project preserving the vast nature reserve we cherish here on Itamar. For those that yearn for quiet solitude and nature at its best- Mitzpeh Matan offers just that atmosphere. Yihee zichro Baruch!

Please enjoy Rabbi Moshe’s Torah portion

Shabbat shalom!

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