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Current EventsItamar News Updates – May 30th 2017

Itamar News Updates – May 30th 2017


In the ruach of Shavuot, an agricultural holiday please enjoy the picture of blueberries growing on the hills here as well as other scenes of the Shavuot time here.  width=

We welcomed Werner  and other friends from Europe who came to enjoy Itamar Gem of the Hills! width=

We also had the leaders of the U News and the Clarion Project who came to get a better idea of what Itamar is doing in safeguarding the heart of Israel. width=

Jerusalem Day and Jubilee of fifty years of return to our biblical places were celebrated with much joy and heartfelt thanks!

We will be finishing the school year here soon which means that our summer children’s projects for the vacation are under way. Please help subsidize our youth in having an enjoyable and restful summer vacation as they also contribute to the work on the ground here in various programs of farming and contribution to the community here and at large. Every trip we sponsor is also led on a bullet proof bus which adds to our costs in getting these kids out for either chesed projects or leisure.

We are in the process of renovating the large area outside of our new synagogue. We are also putting in a new playground in this area where so many people congregate so that children can have a place for fun and enjoyment. We need assistance  for these projects!

Enjoy Leah’s Blog on Shavuot

Enjoy Rabbi Moshe’s Torah lesson on Shavuot

Chag Sameyach!


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