Itamar News Updates March 2nd 2012
Mazal Tov to Nissan and Alizah Edan on the wedding of their son Yonatan to Miram this week.
- Mazal Tov to Amichay and Shani Davidowitch on the birth of a son.
- This passed Wednesday, a year since the terrible massacre of the Fogel family, Mishkan Ehud, the new Yeshivah building, was inaugurated in their memory. It was an amazing event full of happiness on one hand and pain on the other. Itamar resident and stone artist, Asaf Kidron, made a beautiful ark for the Beit Medrash and a beautiful parochet curtain was donated by a woman from Naharyah. Please watch some of the clips of the event and it will give you some idea of how uplifting it was.
- The Yeshivah high school of Itamar, Chitzim, had its annual Purim festival and the customary crowning ceremony of Rav Purim. The youth of Itamar and the surrounding area really had a fantastic time participating in these fun events.
- Itamar and all of Israel were blessed in the last few days with huge amounts of rainfall! We even got some snow here this morning. We are so grateful to Hashem for giving us such bounty.
Let us keep praying that the rain will continue to come and fill up all our depleted reservoirs.
- We want to wish all our dear friends of Itamar a happy Purim!
- Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new Torah message on this week’s portion.
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