Friends of Itamar

Current EventsItamar News Updates March 23 2018

Itamar News Updates March 23 2018

It’s been busy for Friends of Itamar- with all good things!

They keep coming! Mike Clayton led another group to Itamar with Chanoch Young. We got a chance to meet some amazing people from many different parts of the United States. For most of the group it was a first time in Samaria. Thank you for a great day! width= width=

It is a widespread custom for us as Jews from time immemorial to collect for KIMCHA DEPISCHA- food for the needy for the Passover holiday. A HUGE project that has been coming out of Friends of Itamar through the amazing tzeddakah factory manned by Alan and Barbara Hirsch from Brooklyn New York – the Matzoh Fund who have been working nights as days in order to get this off the ground. For over a decade now this project has been able to provide all the necessary things we need to make the chag. Literally TONS of meat chicken wine grape juice matzohs olive oil are all distributed through the shomron from the front door of Friends of Itamar. We want to take this opportunity to bless the Hirsch Family for this incredible fruition of the statement asked – “Who is hungry- let them come and eat!” May they merit reward for enabling also us to participate actively in this!  width=

Friends of Itamar host a shiur here every Tuesday in English for women on a wide range of topics including emunah, halacha, philosophy and more- enjoy the picture of us!

Enjoy Rabbi Moshe’s lessons on Pesach

Enjoy Leah’s Blog about Pesach 2018

This is Shabbat HaGadol- It is a custom in most communities to read parts of the book of Malachi speaking of the future redemption of the world. It serves as a reminder of our redemption from Egypt, which began on the last Shabbat prior to leaving Egypt. We read, “Bring all the tithes to the storehouse so that there be supplies in My home, and test me through this, says Hashem- if I will not open the windows of the heavens for you, and I shall pour out blessing for you without end” (Malachi 3:10) – reiterating the importance of tithing terumot maasrot, and that the final judgement of the crops is rendered ON Pesach!

Shabbat Shalom!



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