Itamar News Updates June 7th 2013
Mazal Tov to Aaron and Rena Jeehan on their marriage yesterday. The wedding took place on one of Itamar’s most remote hilltop neighborhoods overlooking the Jordan Valley. Hay stacks were used for wind blocks. Not many weddings take place in such a scenic
area right across the famous Jabbok crossing
where Abraham and Sarah first entered the land of Israel thousands of years ago. Aaron is one of the Itamar organic farmers that work very hard to try and make a living off the precious soil of the land of Israel. 8 years ago He was thrown out of his home together with 8000 other Jews who were expelled from Gaza and Northern Shomron. It is a known custom that at every Jewish wedding we interrupt our happy celebration to remember the destruction of our holy temple in Jerusalem. The groom must say the verses from Psams 137 – “If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill!” May my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth If I do not remember you, If I do not exalt Jerusalem Above my chief joy.” Aaron spoke under the canopy and with great emotion mentioned the terrible feeling of losing his home in Gaza. He said this terrible personal tragedy allowed him to identify emotionally with Israel’s national tragedy of having its temple destroyed 2000 years ago. The meaning of these verses in Psalms became so clear to all those who attended this beautiful affair. May our temple be speedily rebuilt in our days!!
Mazal Tov to David Kinarti of Itamar who represented the Itamar Talmud Torah day school in the Shomron regional Bible contest and came in second place!
With Hashem’s blessing upon us, we are progressing every week in our permanent synagogue building project, built in the name of Itamar’s victims of terror- Recently, we put up 5 meter high scaffolding along the length of the central hall and the electricians and plasterers are working on getting the ceiling completed.
With G-D’s help, In another week we will finish the ceiling and the scaffolding will be removed. We will them begin to work on the carpentry and windows.
Mazal Tov to our Chitzim High School graduates who completed their fourth year of study in Itamar’s high school. Most of the boys will continue on to Yeshivah for more advanced study for an additional year preparing themselves for their three year army service. We wish them tremendous success in their new path forward.
Enjoy the second movie of a serious of movies about the Zimmerman organic farm of Itamar.
Enjoy Rabbi Moshe’s torah lesson on Parshat Korach
Right now we are in a fundraising drive for Itamar. We are asking our donors to respond kindly to our request for assistance at this time, especially for our children’s Summer Camp program. Without your support we would not have been able to reach all of the goals and projects planned and completed- thanx to you! Shabbat Shalom from Itamar Israel! See our project list.
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