Itamar News updates June 1st 2012
Itamar had a lot of happy events on the community this week; here are the announcements!
Mazal tov to Yididyah and Yifat Mishulami on the birth of a daughter this week.
Mazal tov to Rabbi Natan and Nurit Chay on the birth of a grandson the brit milah took place on Chag Shavuot!
Mazal tov to Aryeh and Nechama Goldberg on the birth of a daughter this week.
Mazal Tov to the Feingold family on the bat mitzvah of their daughter.
Mazal Tov to the Lipchitz family on the bat mitzvah of their daughter. May all these wonderful families enjoy many more happy events and let them relish in pride and bliss from their children.
- A memorial service was held this week on the 8th of Sivan for Gilad Zar who was murdered by terrorists 11 years ago when he was ambushed and killed near Itamar. Gilad served as the head of the regional security and was one of Itamar’s first mayors and founding residents. Gilad was recently blessed with two more grandchildren when twins were born to his fist born daughter Zuriyah a few weeks ago. Gilad left behind a wife and 8 children.
- Itamar held an agricultural festival this week. The major event centered around the” Reshit HaGez” The Gez refers to the ceremonial shearing of the sheep where there is a special law in the Torah mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy 18:4 “You shall give him the first fruits of your grain, your new wine, and your oil, and the first shearing of your sheep.” This was one the gifts given to the Kohanim (priests). It was the job of the Kohanim to serve in the temple and teach torah therefore they were supported financially by the 24 gifts that were given to them. There were other agricultural attractions as well like wheat grinding, animal care and lectures on different topics related to agriculture and organic farming. The amazing produce of Itamar was sold to visitors and residents. We hope that this will become a custom on Itamar that every year we will hold an agricultural festival.
- Itamar welcomed the visit of Dona Cohen from Holland. Dona is working on her masters and came to Israel for a few months to do her research. She hopes make Aliyah one day!
- Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new lesson on the weekly portion.
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