Friends of Itamar

Current EventsItamar News Updates June 16th 2017

Itamar News Updates June 16th 2017

Friends of Itamar were very happy to host many guests over the last week- Brit Lode from Norway, the facilitator of the book “Light of Zion” featuring Orthodox Rabbis in various teachings on the Torah Portions including our Rabbi Goldsmith, President of Friends of Itamar . We had Rachel Ginzberg, owner of Hebrew T Shirts- please enjoy the photos of her beautiful work- her website is:. We also had a busload of enthusiastic tourists that came on an OU mission to scout the Land and bring back a very important GOOD report!! Elana and Shaindy Goldsmith – representing their families from Brooklyn NY- may their Aliyah be successful! David Pavlik brought a very enthusiastic group from Florida-  width=
The Huhem family from Zichrone Yaakov, Dallas Texas, Provo Utah, Florida and San Diego have all come to celebrate the brit of two boys born into quadruplets ( there are also two girls!) The Huhems were very happy to ask for contributions towards the Itamar Maon- The Itamar baby day care Center  as their gifts for the simcha. Toda Raba Raba for your generosity and awesomeness Mishpachat Huhem! Mazal tov! width=









The last weeks have seen a dramatic rise in attempts to burn down our organic farms by arsonists. The remote areas here are where most of the incidents have taken place. In order to protect our homesteads and sheep barns we have purchased four movable sophisticated fire extinguishers. Special thanks to Judy Grossman and those that were involved in assisting in this project. Anyone who feels that they want to also help us attain more- please earmark your donation for FIRE SAFETY. We are desperately also in the need of putting in more security cameras in this area. All contributions will save lives. width=  width=














Enjoy the stunning SUMMER eggplants and  width=
leeks grown here on the Gem of the Hills! The farmers would love to show you around!     The grapes are also begging to be picked soon!

In just a few weeks the Itamar Youth Summer program will begin we really need your help in getting this project off the ground.

Every year friends of Itamar sponsors a summer camp program for the Itamar children and teens.

This year we have close to 700 children  width=that are looking forward in having a meaningful summer vacation. We are asking for your assistance in this very important project. Anyone interested can sponsor a child for 125 dollars or help out in any way possible. One must always remember that a small donation of any amount can make a huge impact in allowing the children of Itamar to enjoy their summer recess- like they deserve to. The security situation is very tense these days and it is vital that we help relieve the stress and tension through fun and recreation. We are asking our friends to kindly spread the word and share this message with friends. For those interested please see this link. May G-D bless you a thousand-fold for your kind help.

Enjoy Leah’s Blog about the sin of the Spies


Enjoy Rabbi Moshe’s Torah lesson

Shabbat shalom!- If you are in Israel- Please come and visit us this summer! Make sure you tell us at least a WEEK in advance though – to make it the best tiyul possible here!


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