Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News Updates July 27th 2012

Itamar News Updates July 27th 2012

  • We are happy to announce that a new family will be moving into the Fogel home after Tishah Bi’av. (Since the terrible massacre in March of last year the house has remained empty.)
  • Itamar welcomed the visit of Rabbi Steven Burg; the OU’s managing director and international director of NCSY and Rabbi Avi Berman Director General of OU Israel. They are very special friends of Itamar and have visited in the past.  width=The OU has been standing behind Itamar in its important mission in building the land of Israel. The Rabbis toured the community and visited one of Itamar’s agricultural hilltops where a new farm has been set up overlooking the Jordan valley. width= width=
  • Mazal Tov to Rachel and David Stern on the birth of a son this week.
  • The Itamar campers are really enjoying a fantastic summer – enjoy the pictures of our youth. width= width= width=
  • As the community grows the demand for more housing increases as well. Since the Fogel massacre, around 25 new families have moved to Itamar andthere is a waiting list for absorption. We are happy to announce that 12 more houses will be built in the coming months on Itamar.
  • Itamar wishes all its dear friends a meaningful fast and blessings for the rebuilding of our temple!
  • Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new torah lesson for the week.

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