Itamar News Updates January 18th 2019

As we approach the holiday of Tu B’ishvat – the new year of the fruit trees – we are so thankful to Hashem for the great blessing of rain that He has bestowed upon us this season – the Sea of the Galilee has risen so far 84 centimeters – of course, we must continue to pray as the Kinneret is still 5 meters short from its maximum level.
Anyone interested in participating in tree planting in honor of Tu B’ishvat can do so through this link don’t forget to earmark the donation (trees) Itamar welcomed the visit of Leeba, Esther, and Binyamin Erlbaum from NY.
Congratulations to Binyamin on his move to Israel and joining the Israeli armed forces.
Special thanks to the Israeli army for locating an Itamar child that wandered off from his home. The army was quick in sending in a helicopter that spotted the child and brought him back to safety. Thank you as well to all those who came from far and near to help search for the child.
Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s Torah lesson on the weekly portion

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