Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News Updates Jan 9th 2015

Itamar News Updates Jan 9th 2015


Itamar welcomed our dear friend Rico Cortez IMG_1996who will be leading a group here G-D willing next week. Rico is a very special friend of Itamar who has a tremendous passion for the land G-d’s people and the Torah. Rico has traced his roots back to the Bney Anusim.Every time he visits Israel he makes it a number one priority to show his solidarity with the Jewish communities of Judea and Samaria. Rico is also a professional martial arts expert and preforms seminars throughout the country teaching Jews how to defend themselves.

special welcome to Kobus and Pieter from South Africa. Kobus and Pieter are in the process of studying Judaism and plan on moving to Israel one day. Their dream is to set up an organic farm in Israel IMG_1950

Enjoy the pictures of the snow on Itamar which is falling right now as we speak.IMG_0670IMG_0682

Mazal Tov to the Choshen family on the bar mitzvah of their son Chever.

Enjoy Leah’s blog on Parashat Shmot

Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s lesson for the week.


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