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Current EventsItamar News Updates Jan 29th 2016

Itamar News Updates Jan 29th 2016

This week the winter really made us aware of its presence. It was marked by heavy rains, winds, and below freezing temperatures. Enjoy the rare picture of the snowy Hermon mountains located in the Golan Heights as viewed from Itamar!12565601_1065884373469706_3618723955311086234_n[1]

This week we also celebrated the holiday of Tu Bishvat. There is nothing that brings a greater blessing to the land, than planting trees.IMG_3282 This of course becomes even more important after the sabbatical year ! Many of us have a genuine desire to do our part for the planet, and Israel is a forerunner in restoring damage that had been done as the countries that ruled here through our long exile decimated its forests. Deeply rooted now, it the only country in the world whose tree population is on the rise!

We want to thank our dear friends from New Mexico that have sent much- needed boxes of clothing for the Itamar community Gmach which will be held shortly. A special thanks to Sharon Luna, Kathy, Scott Aaron all of those involved in this chesed project. May Hashem bless them for their wonderful kindness. IMG_8432[1]

Where can you find people ecstatic about their homes? Itamar longtime residents, Barak and Sarah Melet wanted to live in harmony with nature. They have decided to (after years of living in a caravan), build their dream house out of cedar wood. Eco- friendly, the look- old world beauty with modern energy efficiency. This is a family project and they are doing all the labor! Enjoy the pictures. IMG_8403[1] IMG_8412[1]

Read Leah ‘s new blog on Yitro.

Read Rabbi Goldsmith’s new essay on the Torah portion and watch his video


1 Comment

  • CD Simon, Trustee

    Shabbat shalom! Thank you for sharing photos and also for your updates from Itamar. We desire to bless you and would like to know how to do this best. Certainly we can pray for your needs, health, finances, safety and personal growth. What can we do from far away, here in north Idaho state of the united states of America to help improve your lives? We can tell our believing friends about you, and give moral and intellectual support online to defend your rights when politicians try to unmake the land which HaShem has established. Please give us some specific ideas that we can start with. Thank you! Sincerely, CD Simon, Trustee (and family).

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