Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News Updates Jan 23 2014

Itamar News Updates Jan 23 2014



Itamar welcomed again Rico Cortez and his tour group from the USA and Europe. It was great hosting a wonderful group who was so enthusiastic about visiting Itamar and its Biblical surroundings. We were so inspired by their devotion and love of the land. IMG_2245


It was a pleasure to host our dear friends Norman Hauptman, Alan Nussbaum and friends who came with enthusiasm and always goodies to give the soldiers doing guard duty here.

We also welcomed Boaz Haetzni who brought guests from Fairfax Virginia’s Conservative

Temple. We hope their visit to Itamar added many important facts about the heartland that they can share with their congregation and community!

Tochnit Ayalot- There IMG_2264is a student village here on Itamar where students live in our community while pursuing their studies in University. IMG_2199  These students also do important volunteer work here and are matriculated into the fabric of many aspects of communal life and see it as an ideal for buffing up support on the ground practically while receiving a firsthand opportunity to be part of our mission here. Thank you! We want to help out with this important program by subsidizing the program- a new endeavor for the Friends of Itamar.

A special meeting was held this week with founders and veteran residents of Itamar. Amazing stories about the beginnings of Itamar were shared. A movie with be made out of the event to be shown to the community as we close our thirtieth year celebration.

Mazal Tov to Itamar’s dear resident Rabbi Avi Ronski who succeeded in the primaries for the Jewish Home party. If all goes well Itamar will soon have a representative in the Israeli parliament.

Mazal Tov to the Levine family on the Brit Milah of their son today!

Mazal Tov to Eliyahu Sabach on his Bar Mitzvah!

Mazal Tov to the Cohen and Avitan families on the weddings of their children this week.

Watch and enjoy Rabbi Moshe’s lesson.week!

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