Itamar news updates Febuary 17
- Itamar welcomed two groups of tourists that came this week one from the United Kingdom and the other from Norway. They had a great time and enjoyed hearing about our community.
- Mazal tov to Eliyahu and Noah Mishulami on the birth of a daughter this week.
- Itamar is working hard in many important projects one of them is building a new road from the Fogal neighborhood to the major road connecting our community to the hills. G-D willing this project will be completed soon. Enjoy the picture.
- We want to thank all our dear friends that have been involved in helping build Itamar. It is so great to see how little by little step by step our community is developing into a beautiful city. Special thanks to our friends in WA State that were involved in setting up this park.
- Enjoy the almond blossoms!
- Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new Torah lesson on this week’s Parasha Mishpatim on the abolition of slavery an insight into understanding the concept of slavery mentioned in the Torah.
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