Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News Updates February 8th 2013

Itamar News Updates February 8th 2013

Itamar welcomed the visit of our dear friend Shoshanna Shilit from Beit Shemesh who brought with her some very special friends that hold Israel very dearly in their hearts –  Rabbiהרב עובדיה Ovadyah and Phyllis Simcha from Brooklyn and Sara Kamin from Queens. Mishpachat Shilit שושנהdonated a sefer torah to Chitzim a few years ago. Thank you again!

Mazal tov to Aaron and Hodayah Nuriel הרב רונצקיאהרון והודיהon their beautiful wedding this week.  Aaron is a student of the Itamar Yeshivah and Rabbi Avi Ronsky former chief Rabbi of the Israeli army and head of the Yeshivah preformed the wedding ceremony.

We welcomed the entire Huhem family for a tour of the beautiful hills of the Shomron- welcome!חכם משפחההקידושין

Itamar welcomes Chaim and Zilah Fogel ,the parents of Udi Fogel HYD, and family that will be spending Shabbat on Itamar. The Shabbat program will take place at Itamar’s Yeshivah where Rabbi Udi Fogel taught. As we approach the memorial day of the horrific massacre, the focus, of course, will be on remembering the special qualities of these special souls that were taken away from us.  A special memorial service will be held on Itamar at the Yeshivah on the 7th of Adar/ Feb 17th at 5:00 – 7:30. Please come and show your solidarity with Itamar and the Fogel family.

Enjoy some of Itamar’s nature scenes taken this week. סרטבהThe flowers are Solomon’s Crownssolomons crowns that grow right out of the ancient rocks. The Sartaba is seen in the backround is one of the famous mountain tops that torches were lit to signal the new moon declared in the Beit Hamikdash  to the Jews across the Jordan river.שקד פורח

Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new Torah lesson on Parashat Mishpatim – dedicated to our dear friend Alan Hirsch who is celebrating his 60th birthday

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