Itamar News Updates Feb 3rd 2012
- Mazal tov to Benny and Varda Zagron on the birth of a grandson this week.
- We will be celebrating Tu B’Shvat this Wednesday, the special New Year for Trees. What a merit to live in the generation of Return to Zion and have the opportunity to actualize the prophesies come true as the Land comes to life and is reforested. Please join us in our Special Tu’bshvat project! Anyone who would like to plant a tree on Itamar can send a 25 dollar donation to friends of Itamar for each tree and we will plant them your name or the name you request. We would like to give a special thank you to our dear friends, Sandi and Dirk Shaw who have made the planting of many trees a reality for us.
- This week there was an entry into the village of Awarta to visit the ancient Biblical burial sites of the sons of Aaron Itamar, Eleazar and the 70 elders.
- Enjoy the picture of an ancient cistern, one of many here up on the hills of Itamar- please continue to pray for rain- we need every drop!
- Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new Torah lesson on Parashat Bishalch.
- Read Leah’s Torah thoughts on Parashat Beshalch and Tu’Bshvat from previous years .
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