Itamar News Updates December 14th 2012
Happy Chanukah to all our dear friends!
There were many celebrations taking place this week. Enjoy the picture of the children enjoying a unique entertainer that made music out of ordinary objects like brooms, hoses, etc…. There were special learning sessions for Fathers and Sons/Mothers and daughter about Chanukah.
There was also a beautiful Chanukah party celebrated in Mishkan Ehud with special participants from the Israeli government including Ruby Rivlin, Governor Gershin Mesikah of the Regional Council. A special class was given by Rabbi Yehudah Ben Yishay, the father of Ruth Fogel HY”D.
The clothing drive went into full gear on the only sunny day of the week- enjoy the pictures- Jessica Katz- you are a lifesaver!
One of the ideologies of the people that live on Itamar is going green. The Zimmerman family has been farmers on Itamar almost since the founding of the community way back in 1984. Their dream is to turn their farm into a complete self- sufficient eco system. They are experimenting with permaculture and hydroponics and the production of methane gas using cow’s waste. Enjoy the first movie of a series of movies that we will be showing on their attempts to incorporate this into a successful system.
Enjoy the answers to last week’s Chidon on Chanukah.
Enjoy Rabbi Moshe’s torah about Mikeitz and how it connects to Zachariah chapters 2, 3, and 4, which is the Haftarah of this week’s portion.
Frank Mecklenburg
Dear Moshe and Leah, Thanks for the news and updates. It is all amazing and a blessing. We want to keep sharing with others on our list. We are enjoying the weekly portion taught by Moshe. Keep up all the good you are doing. Adina and I are currently studying with a Rabbi in a conversion program. Baruch HaShem. I have met the Zimmermans many times and really enjoyed the interview about his farming. I noticed that it is titled part 1. When is part 2 going to be available. You are all in our prayers. By the way I am still writing my book about Samaria and right now I am writing about Itamar so if you can think of any news that you would like added, please let me know. Blessings and love, Frank