Itamar News Updates Dec 30th 2016
We had many activities going on here the entire Chanukah. Enjoy the pictures!
Delicious things continue to crop up in the hothouses here- scrumptious organic winter crops of kohlrabi, potatoes, carrots, zucchini and all of them are delicious in making traditional “potatoe latkes” – just grate, strain out all liquid, add eggs (organic free range are the best) oil (cold pressed olive oil is best) and salt, pepper and some whole wheat organic flour- this “batter” can be either fried in hot oil or baked. Chanukah Sameyach!
Friends of Itamar were especially blessed this week with a delivery of beautiful top quality clothing donated by Bigdey Yisroel from the Skokie Yeshiva in Chicago. May Hashem bless them KOL TUV for thinking about their brothers and sisters in the heart of Israel and making it such a nicer chag!
In smiling defiance we continue to build our new campus for Chitzim High School here on Itamar. Anyone who wants to really feel like they want to respond to anti-Semitic calls to boycott a Jewish presence right here in the heart of legacy here in Israel- and make a difference by helping us out with this vital project which will influence generations to come. For donations see link.
Enjoy Rabbi Moshe’s torah on Mikeytz and current events.
Shabbat shalom – Chanukah sameyach
Love you Sameach Chanukah James and Gayle Israel My Delight