Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News Updates Dec 28th 2012

Itamar News Updates Dec 28th 2012

עופר ויעלchitzim yeshivaAs the fiscal year is about to end, we want to thank you – our dear friends of Itamar that have been standing behind us in time of need.  In your merit we are able to continue building the land of Israel by strengthening the community of Itamar. One of our major projects is educational projects as there is nothing more important them educating the young generation about the love of Torah and the land.  Itamar is blessed with a number of educational institutions including the Itamar boy’s high school, Chitzim.

 Yeshivat Chitzim has over 250 boys living at the school in dorms from all over Israel. They have varying degrees of learning disabilities- ADD, ADHD and other challenges that could have made learning a hardship but found a home here thanks to a professional staff. They receive a full Bagrut at the end of 12th grade and continue on to their army service, many serving in Israel’s elite units! Chitzim High School places an emphasis on the lovePraying in the desertIMG_9867 for Eretz Yisrael, the Torah of Israel and the idea of unity for all of Am Yisrael. It is a very unique school in that it involves the students with hiking through the land, taking part in chesed volunteer projects around the country and learning techniques in agriculture.

Ten years ago the school experienced terror attacks on campus in which some of the students were killed (see the memorial picture). memorialThe school however has quadrupled in size since then, giving credit to the passuk “Kasher yaanuh oto key yerbeh vikayn yifrotz.”   The school is in need now of building a new campus and would be thankful to anyone who can help with this most important project.

Itamar welcomed the visit of Agudat Achim form Austin Texas that came to visit Itamar this week. They really enjoyed themselves and had an eye-opening experience.

Itamar welcomed the visit of Yitzzy Schwartz who is part of the Itamar young generation of supporters from abroad. Yitzzy is finishing up his masters in nineteen century and medieval Jewish art.יצחק שוורארץ

Speaking of art, Yael and Ofer head are stained glass artists living on Itamar and have an art studio where they give classes both to the Itamar youth and adults.

Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s Torah lesson on this week’s portion where he talks about never giving up hope.

1 Comment

  • Dean

    I read the article regarding the incident ten years ago when the students were killed. Your everyday courage amazes me-you live in a hostile environment and yet you are not consumed with hatred, unlike your muslim neighbors. In a world which is growing gradually darker and more hostile, you maintain your humanity. I remember reading about the incident when the Fogel family was murdered, and the first thing I could think of was to wipe out the Arab village where the murders lived and where their family and friends hid the items stolen from the Fogel family. Frankly, I still believe that it is a good idea to burn their village to the ground and chase them off-let them go live with their 1.2 billion muslim relatives. However, your and your village are an inspiration to the rest of us who have such easy lives. Someday, I would love to come and visit your community and learn how you grow your own fruits and vegetables.

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