Friends of Itamar

Current EventsItamar News Updates Dec 14th 2018

Itamar News Updates Dec 14th 2018

In an extremely difficult week for Judea Samaria with a wave of murderous attacks on innocents, there were still brave people who came to show their support and solidarity with those holding up the Land here on Itamar. Scott and Benjamin Hillman and friends – thank you for your friendship- we had a great tour of the biblical hills of Yosef and looking forward for your coming back soon with even more people from your precious community in Tennessee!     width=

Special thanks to Hillel Brenner for bringing Gary and Julie Applebaum on an especially volatile day but their steadfast belief in our cause was the focus of their visit, encouraging us and them in bridging the gap between heartland Jews and American Jewish communities. It was a peaceful and uplifting visit full of important facts they will take back with them to share. We wish them all the best in their mission for Israel and thank them! width=

Yad Leah run by Jessica Katz and Karen Thaler always seems to send their love at the right time! We will be doing a clothing distribution here soon with beautiful things they so lovingly put together for Itamar and many many other communities in Judea Samaria and other parts of Israel. Lots of painstaking patience and self- sacrifice goes into collecting these donations, sorting through them, packing and shipping them off to Israel. This chesed is not only appreciated on a material level but also in a heartfelt one. When rocks are being thrown on our roads and people are being shot and killed, just knowing such people have gone out of their way for us is totally consoling uplifting and bringing Tikkun Olam. Words can’t give enough honor and praise to these two women who have dedicated their life’s mission to this cause and to all the donors involved in the project as well as sorters, folders, packers and all the things involved to make it work.

On that note we want to give a special thank you to Sinda Berge who donated a beautiful bag of home -made knitted hats to our gmach warming our heads and hearts! width=

Some of us went down to the soldiers to bring delicious things for Shabbat and to thank them for what they do for Israel.

As we reach the end of the fiscal year, we would like to remind our dear friends of the importance of supporting Friends of Itamar. We have done amazing things here in the last year with your help. Everyone that has come back to visit is amazed by the beauty and growth- this is our mission- to answer terror with building, security and a range of projects in education agriculture parks children and needs of the community. We will need to purchase a new security jeep for our response team that works around the clock. Our other security projects are fortifying our fence and increasing better equipment in surveillance. This is SOS as the situation demands immediate buffing up to ensure our safety on this wide span of ground being held down by us here. We will be going on a speaking tour to the USA in the month of February. If anyone sees fit to have us speak in the tri state area please contact us asap about it. Thank you so so much- it is literally saving lives!

Enjoy Rabbi Goldsmith’s Torah lesson

Read Leah’s Blog

Shabbat Shalom!

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