Itamar News Updates – August 4 2017
Friends of Itamar and our youth went to visit the community of Chalamish this week and handed out products grown and made here along with letters of support to their community. Just today there were several more serious security incidents in the Shomron-
Our community had a clean -up campaign this week which involved the many neighborhoods here. This included communal green initiatives beyond the picking up of garbage but also the fixing and painting of broken garbage dumpsters, corners where junk is usually dumped were cleaned up, mowing of thorny and bushy areas so that snakes and other reptiles will not have an opportunity to hide there, and the pruning and beautifying of the gardens and public rest areas. Adults and children participated in this very important endeavor. The greatest gift of all after all the hard work was the installation of a brand new playground right outside our synagogue and some cold ices given out to all!
We would like to give a big thank you to everyone that helped subsidize this year’s Youth and Children’s Camp program- A special thank you goes out to Anshey Chesed Congregation of the 5 Towns that has been helping out with this project for many years- a special special thanks to Eddie Wunsch!
Thank you Penina Levinson and Bigdey Yisroel of Skokie Illinois for your avodat kodesh in providing clothing for communities here in Eretz Yisrael!, the reward- grateful faces and hearts of the recipients. This is a chesed that cannot be underestimated!( If you have a g’mach or just know a whole bunch of people that do not know what to do with and want to send hardly used or new clothes to Israel- to Friends of Itamar- please be in touch with me through this website- there is a need always! Especially baby clothes!) TODA RABA RABA! We will iy”h be doing a distribution this week!
We welcomed old friends from the Netherlands- Henk and Harriet Poot and their lovely family! We welcomed Calev Ben Tzion from Germany who is making a documentary film about biblical sites in Israel.
Thank you James and Gayle O’Hare Brian Grodman and all of those involved in galvanizing support for Friends of Itamar this week on the Radio Show.
Enjoy the beautiful heart shaped cucumbers!
Please watch Rabbi Moshe’s Torah on this week’s portion
Shabbat Shalom!
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