Itamar News Updates August 21 2015
Itamar welcomed a very special group from Africa this week. They had a great time and toured the region of Samaria including the ancient site of Shiloh.
We also welcomed the Waller family from Hayovel with their new group that came to help the farmers of Samaria.
Itamar welcomes Jeanette Goldsmith and Susan and Sarah Rivka Cohen that are spending Shabbat on Itamar. Jeanette is the widow of the late Lester Goldsmith founder of Friends of Itamar.
Special thanks to Bat-sheva Cohen for volunteering to make phone calls on behalf of friends of Itamar she is working especially hard to try and help out our Itamar farmers whose hothouses were destroyed by the winter storms –and help them get ready for next year ( Less than a month away) after the Sabbatical year ends.
The children are continuing to enjoy the summer! Again we want to thank all our dear friends that have helped make this a reality. Special thanks again to Eddie Wuntch for once again taking upon himself this important project. Eddie has adopted the Itamar children for over a decade now. This past week the community went away for the annual special summer outing, enjoy the clips of the event.
We would like to give special thanks to our dear friends Leo Meller, Marja, and Pirkko , and all the people standing behind them from Finland that have been an amazing help for our educational institutions here.
Mazal Tov to Moshe and Naomi Ronsky on the birth of a boy
Mazal Tov to the Kinartis on the birth of a girl.
Mazal Tov to the Seris on the birth of a granddaughter.
Mazal tov to the Melet Family on the marriage of Tal to Adi and yishuv tov on their making a home here on Itamar!
Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s latest Torah lesson for the week. “Return our Judges of Old” See his written summery of the lesson.
Enjoy Leah’s new blog.
Shabbat on Itamar. starts at 6:51 and ends at 7:57.
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