Itamar News Updates Aug 3 2018
We enjoyed hosting a number of special guests this week – Yehuda and Dafnah Rabinowitz from Moshav Nir Tzvi, Mel and Renee Strauss from Great Neck NY, Ira Nosenchuck and Judy Grossman from Jerusalem and the Yovel program who came with a large group from USA, Canada, Scotland and with our very dear friends Brandee, John, and Britney Stacy from Texas.
Mazal Tov to the Zimmerman and Richman family on the Bat Mitzvah of Shirah!! Shira, who lives in Jerusalem, wanted to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah on Itamar where her mother Tzviya was born and is the home of one set of her grandparents – one of the founding families of Itamar Rachel and Alon – Not to mention that Shira’s great grandfather Lester Goldsmith, founder of Friends of Itamar, has a spring named after him on the community. Shira’s class came from Jerusalem and had a beautiful tour of the community instilling them with the love of the land.
Unfortunately, trouble continues – terrorists attempted to set fire to the entrance of our community – thank G-D we were able to put it out and know body was hurt. In addition, there was an attempt to cut our fence and infiltrate our community. Thank G-D know one was hurt.
Friends of Itamar has a meeting on one of our hilltop communities to talk about the setting up of a new playground for children. We met with representatives of the neighborhood and the Amana organization to see how we can this project in motion.
A reminder to please stand with us as we continue our summer campaign!!!!
Enjoy Rabbi Goldsmith’s Torah for the week.
Robin Smith
Dear Leah, It is so good to see these beautiful pictures of your visitors and the celebration of Shira. Congratulations to these families and May your life be blessed. I’m so sorry to hear of these hateful attacks in your community but very thankful that G-D is always watching over His people and His land. You are in our prayers in Evansville, Indiana.