Itamar News Updates Aug 24th 2018
Itamar welcomed again the visit of our dear friends Judy Grossman and Gila Rollhause that came this week to enjoy a beautiful summer day on Itamar. It is amazing to see how much they love Eretz Yisrael and want to do what they can to strengthen the land and make it flourish. May Hashem bestow His blessings upon them!!!! We are looking into the possibility of building another playground on one of our remote hilltop neighborhoods – this is a big project that needs a lot of help.
Itamar welcomed Yosef Drever from Australia and Avraham Va’nismach from the Golan Heights. Yosef is working on a program he called Achdut Halev – where he is trying to bring Jews back home to the land of Israel by instilling within their hearts the love for Eretz Yisrael.
A memorial service was held this week for our dear friend Meir Lixenberg who was ambushed and killed by terrorists at the gate of our community back in 2001. Meir 36 at the time of his death left a wife and five children. Two of his boys are married today and living on Itamar. Meir’s father spoke about how much he misses his son and addressed the congregation with words of comfort from the Torah.
The Itamar summer camp program is finishing up in a few days – special thanks to all those amazing friends who participated in making the summer so special for our children, youth and community.
The Pnini farm picked some of their grapes this week and began making another batch of wine for the coming year.
Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new lesson for the Torah portion where he discusses some of the agricultural gifts that are given to the poor that apply to the land .
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