Itamar News Updates Aug 12 2016
Itamar welcomed more guests this week- Dr. Howie and Brenda Baum and their daughter Lauren from North Woodmere NY. , Henk and Harriet Poot from Holland all are old friends that really love and care about the community.
During the nine days there were special educational activities for our youth in the theme of the Temple.
The grape harvest has begun in our vineyards- Also the tomatoes cucumbers and peppers are flourishing in our organic hothouses-
Mazal Tov to the Goldberg family on the bar mitzvah of their son!
Please see Rabbi Goldsmith’s lesson on Tisha B’Av
This is a crucial time for many reasons in setting up and safeguarding the farms and homesteads that hold down the large portion of land that connects the heart of Israel to the Jordan Valley. That is right here on Itamar. Please reach out to your friends and let them know that Rabbi Moshe and Leah are coming to the NY/NJ area in September to talk about the building and protecting of the integrity of this expanse- our nachalat avoteynu the inheritance given to our forefathers and to us by Hashem! At this time that we rectify sinat chinam, let us do our best to reach out to those who are literally holding down the Land with their fingernails. This is the greatest tikkun one can do for the mistakes that led to destruction on Tisha B’Av. May we hear besorot tovot yeshoo-ote venechamote!
Shabbat Shalom!
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