Itamar news Updates April 25th 2019

gorgeous flowers

ancient olive tree on Itamar thousands of years old

We want to wish all our dear friends and enjoyable last day of Passover! During Chol Hamoed Itamar was blessed with thousands of visitors from all over Israel and abroad – one of our newest attractions is an ancient archeological site that has now been open to the public. We welcome visitors at any time – please come. We were blessed with very special friends this week Andre Lecoque, and Irina and Sergei Briska and Jan Barnett and others from Minsk Belarus During the Passover holiday there was a rare entry to the site of the altar of Joshua where the 12 tribes stood to receive the covenant upon entering the land of Israel. Enjoy a small video clip. This time of year the fauna and nature surrounding Itamar is breathtaking – enjoy some of the pictures Chag Sameach!!!
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