Itamar News Updates April 20th 2018
As Israel celebrates its 70th-year birthday Itamar celebrates its 34th birthday!!!! Independence Day – is always our birthday celebration. (Itamar was founded on
Independence Day of 1984.) After our evening prayers which included the recitation of the Hallel see video – We had our annual community get together where classical Israeli food was offered to those interested like falafel, etc. our youth preformed skits, sung and danced. We were entertained as well by the older generation that put on a great play about unity and the nation of Israel. It is amazing to see how much we have accomplished over the last three and a half decades!!!
Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s lesson on this week’s portion
Special thanks to our friends in Finland at the Patmos Foundation who donated an ambulance to Magen David Adom for the community of Karney Shomron – in memory of Rabbi Raziel Shevach – who was recently murdered by terrorists and volunteered for Magen David Adom.
Rabbi Shevach’s family came to the inauguration which took place in the ancient site of Shilo. The foundation has been very helpful to many places in Israel including Itamar. Watch a small video of the event – where you can see the Shevach family and the Finish guests who came to participate in the event. The leader of Patmos expresses his feelings about standing with Israel. It is amazing – the little girl
standing next to the ambulance, Rabbi Shevach’s daughter, was born in and ambulance that was donated by Patmos years back. The mother of Rabbi Shevach told the story at the event. So wonderful to see how much love people have for Israel – what an example to all!!!! How much blessing comes out of kindness and love.
This is a time to thank you our amazing friends – our success is yours as well – if it wasn’t for your assistance over the years and devotion we would not be where we are today. Please read this letter and spread the word!!!
Israel just celebrated its 70th birthday after remembering the fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism. The transition of Memorial Day to Independence Day is always so bittersweet. The modern State of Israel was founded on the ideals of proud Jewish labor and working the earth of the Land. The founding forefathers of Israel said time and again, “If we do not work the Land with our own hands the Land will not be ours.” There was a burning desire to connect with prophecy coming true through the reawakening of the Land. The momentum has picked up dramatically and Israel stands tall and beautiful. It has over seven million people and boasts huge accomplishments in technology, art, literature, security, tourism and the list goes on today. It has become Baruch Hashem a superpower!
It is getting crowded here! Old values are slipping away with post modernism and economic boom at a fast pace. The connection of people to the earth as cities swell is slipping away. Judea Samaria takes on a new importance and with room for growth and idealism at its height here.
The ideals this country was founded on are however flourishing right here on ITAMAR. We are proud to do it with our own two hands in the pioneering spirit that helped to found this country. Despite terrorism that has hit our community hard; we are growing yet maintaining old important values of down to earthiness and view working the Land as a sacred task not only for us but for the entire nation of Israel and the world. We try to live the verse: “For Thy servants take pleasure in her stones and love her dust. ” (Psalms 102/15) We have the will – but we also need the means to spearhead new projects in education, infrastructure, agriculture and to safeguard this vast precious legacy. FRIENDS OF ITAMAR is asking you at this time to please continue to partner with us in our vital cause of Yishuv Eretz Yisroel!
With Blessings from the Land,
Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith
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