Itamar News September 5th 2008
September 5, 2008
1) Itamar welcomes Rabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith back home after their three week speaking tour in the States on behalf of the Yishuv and its much needed projects. We want to thank our special friends from Fort Meyers, OKC, and New York for their warm hospitality.
2) A special thanks to Jessica Katz from NJ for a huge clothing shipment that was sent to the people of Itamar. It really came in handy for the new school year and approaching holidays.
3) Schools opened this week on Itamar – we bless all our students with a happy and successful year of study.
4) Mazal Tov to the Demari family upon the engagement of their son Orel.
5) Mazal Tov to the Seri family upon the birth of twins.
6) Mazal Tov to the Head, Choshen, and Teneh families that are marrying off their children this week! Nehoray Choshen and Yshua Teneh both born on Itamar will be marrying each other and will live on Itamar. Over 30 new families have joined Itamar over the last year and a half.
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