Itamar News November 28th 2008
November 28, 2008
1. Itamar welcomes Eddie and Fern Wunsch from Kihilat Anshey Chesed in New York. Eddie and Fern are very special friends of Itamar who have been a motivating force and great inspiration in connecting their community with ours. Over the last few years Anshey Chesed has helped sponsor our summer camp. It was a great pleasure and honor to host them in our community this week!
2. Mazal Tov to the Shushan family upon the engagement of their son Elchanan to a daughter of the Horowitz family one of the founding families of Hebron.
3. Mazal Tov to Y.G on the completion of his training period in Egoz. We wish him much success in his army service defending the country.
4. Mazal Tov to the Choshen family upon the Brit Milah of their grandson Uri this week to. The Choshen family is one of the founding families of Itamar. Their daughter Tohar who got married over a year ago and moved to another community has returned to our community, Itamar, with her husband Itamar (great name!) the place of her birth We wish them a lot of success and happiness
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