Itamar News November 22nd 2007
November 22, 2007
1. Itamar thanks Hashem for the first major rain of the year! Enjoy the beautiful rainbow over Itamar.
2. Itamar had a great time with Jack and Lynda SmithSchick, our special friends from OK City who spent the Shabbat with us. They will be returning to the States next week we wish them a safe trip back.
3. Mazal Tov to Yaakov and Shirah ben Pinchas on the Brit milah of their son Yoav Yitzchak.
4. Mazal Tov to the Shushan family upon the engagement of their daughter Esther.
5. Itamar was happy to host special friends, Eddie Wunsch together with some other friends from the Anshey Chesed Shul of Hewlet Long Island and other parts of NY. Anshey Chesed has been a major sponsor for the Itamar summer camp for the last two years.
6. Itamar is happy to host this Shabbat a group of Anglo-Saxons from all over Israel as part of Ruthy’s Shabbat of Mattot Arim. Sixty guests from different cities all over Israel will be participating in this Shabbat weekend. Yaashar Koach to Ruthy for organizing it!
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