Itamar News March 13th 2009
March 13, 2009
1. Itamar was honored to host a very special group from Minnesota this week. The group was personally escorted by Rabbi Chaim Richman from the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, who is a close friend of this Minnesota congregation. The group leaders, Joseph and Judy, were in Israel 30 times but this was their first visit to the Shomron.
2. Itamar had the privilege of hosting its very dear friends Larry and Helen Slavin from NJ this week. Larry and Helen have been extremely active in helping our community. We bless them and wish them happiness and success in all their endeavors.
3. Purim was a lot of fun on Itamar. Let the happiness of Purim follow us throughout the year! Enjoy the pictures of a festive Purim meal on Itamar and a child dressed up like an Indian riding a horse.
4. Please read the new Torah thought for the week by Leah.
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