Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News June 13th 2008

Itamar News June 13th 2008

June 13, 2008

1. This week a memorial service for Itamar’s dear resident Gilad Zar HYD was held in Karney Shomron. Please see this link.

2. Itamar resident Benny Zagron who has been raising raspberries for the last few years on Itamar opened up his field to the public as required on the Sabbatical year. Today a bus load of Russian immigrants from Ber Sheva came to pick themselves some delicious fruit! Benny welcomes anyone friend of Itamar as well who is interested in coming to pick the special fruit with Kiduashat Shiveyit. width= width=

3. Itamar wishes a Mazal Tov to Rena and Rabbi Chaim Richman upon the engagement of their daughter Helah. Rena is the brother of Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith the community’s mayor. Helah will, G-d willing, be marrying Yisrael Meir Maan in Early September. Yisrael Meir learned in the Itamar Yeshiva high school Chitzim width=

4. Mazal Tov to Ariel and Efrat Rekanati who had a baby girl on the Shivuot holiday.

5. Mazal Tov to the Caspi family on the birth of a son this week.

6. Mazal Tov to the Kinarti family on the Bar mitzvah of their son Yitzhkak.

7. Itamar had a very special guest this week Binyamin Kluger, a former French priest, who searched for many years until he found his way to Judaism. He gave an unforgettable lecture to the Itamar women!

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