Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News July 31 2009

Itamar News July 31 2009

July 31, 2009

1. One of our most important projects is to continue building our synagogue that unfortunately was put on hold because of lack of funding. Thank G-D we are very blessed on Itamar and our community has doubled in size over the last five years. We are in desperate need to complete our permanent synagogue. Yesterday, a very special event took place. Itamar’s mayor Rabbi Goldsmith picked out a stone from the Itamar hills that will be used in making the holy ark for the new synagogue. The mayor wants to start the building of the Ark even before the walls of the Shul are completed. Tisha B’Av, the day both our temples were destroyed. was chosen to be the day of this special event. We will no longer allow our land to be destroyed- only built! width=

2. Mazal Tov to Nechama and Nechemya Tau upon the birth of a girl on Tisha B’Av. Nechemya is the son the Rabbi Tau, an important Rabbi in the Zionist world. Rabbi Tau was a devoted student of Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Kook and is great teacher of Amunah(Jewish faith). He has hundreds of students from the two famous Zionistic yeshivot, Mercaz Harav and Har Hamor. Nechama is the daughter of the famous couple Eli and Dina Horowitz who were both murdered in their home in Kiriyat Arba on March 7th 2003.

3. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Avraham and Devorah Reykanati on the engagement of their son Yisrael Chay and the birth of a granddaughter. The Reykanati family who are blessed with ten children, have four married children living on Itamar! Their daughter Shoshana, who gave birth this week is one of their four children who live on Itamar. Both Rabbi Avraham and Rebitzen Devorah are great teachers of Torah and were part of the first group to move to the Shomron region. Devora’s uncle is the famous Rabbi Yisrael Lau the former Chief Rabbi of Israel.

4. Mazal Tov to the Deri family on the birth of a baby girl this week.

5. The Tisha B’Av fast ended on Itamar with a watermelon treat donated by the Edan family. It is their custom to treat the congregation to watermelon after the long fast of Tisha B’Av. They grow these melons, organically, in one of our many valleys here. There is nothing like the delicious fruit of Eretz Yisrael to restore your energy after a long fast width=

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