Itamar News July 17th 2009
July 17, 2009
1. Mazal tov to the Yamin family on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Yonah Amitay this Shabbat. Rabbi Yamin and his wife are the principals of the Boys Talmud Torah and the girl’s day school on Itamar. We wish them a lot of Nachas and happiness from all their children.
2. The children of Itamar enjoyed as part of their camp program a special happening which included representatives of the police, fire, and other emergency teams. The children were given a show about special equipment used to rescue those in need.
3. Today Itamar enjoyed a family outing which included a tour at Yeshiv hill top called El-Matan and a hike through Nachal Kana. El Matan is a small Yeshv that got its name from an ancient village in the area from the second temple period. El Matan is situated on a beautiful hill top over looking Nachal Kanah. Nachal Kana is an ancient Nachal that serves as the border between two important tribes of Israel Ephrayim and Minashe. The stream that flows in the nachal is fed from springs that begin in Mt Grizim and is also fed from other springs along the way. The Nachal eventually makes its way to the Yarkon River.
4. The women of Itamar together with other women from surrounding communities enjoyed a day on Itamar which included a full program of Torah classes. The event was held in our new town center built by the Mifal Hapayis.
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